Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Denominations...God's Dysfunctional Family

I just returned last week from Kenneth Copeland Ministries 30th Annual Southwest Believers Convention. Now, now before you dismiss me because you perhaps don't like Kenneth Copeland and his ministry, read on and hear what I have to say. It will do you good I promise.

Jesse Duplantis spoke on Wednesday August 4th in the evening service and boy was it a good word for sure. If you'd like to hear the message click here and then find the 8/4/10 message. I promise you it was a good one. He talked about the parable of the prodigal son, and truthfully I've never heard it the way he shared before, it was real good.

Anyway, after hearing his message a couple of times, (I've downloaded the mp3 and listened to it several times) it started me thinking about denominations and how they really aren't God's idea. In Scripture there is found in Ephesians 4:7-16 Paul describing to us how there are various gifts in the body of Christ, ie. the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. And that they are given to help us (the body of Christ - the ones who believe in Jesus) to help grow us up.

Paul uses a phrase here, "unity in the the faith". Interestingly enough, Paul does not say into the "unity of doctrine". Now if you've read anything at all in the Bible you know that God is a God of faith. Actually it says that it is impossible to please Him unless we have faith. Again, He didn't say it's impossible to please Him unless we have the same doctrine.

As Jesse said in his message, there are a lot of good sons and daughters of God in the body of Christ, but not a lot of good brothers and sisters. I mean, when was the last time you did something to bless another church in your city? I mean, if you are Baptist, when was the last time you went and blessed the Pentecostal church when they were doing something? Or for those Pentecostals, when was the last time you went and blessed a Methodist church by showing up for something they were doing?

If we all believe in Jesus, and that is the one thing that most all Christians agree on. Then why can't we fellowship with other believers, even if they don't belong to your denomination? Maybe because we're acting like bad brothers and sisters? And for those of you (like me) who are part of the "non-denominational church" and say we're not like denominations, well you can forget that, because non-denominational churches have become a denomination.

I think that we should all try and find some way to get along with those who may or may not believe doctrinally some of the same things. As long as we all believe in Jesus, we're brothers and sisters in Christ, and eventually if we all go by the way of the grave, we're going to see each other in Heaven. Don't you think we should get to know each other now instead of waiting for the marriage supper of the Lamb?

Thanks Jesse, for inspiring me to reach out to others who believe in Jesus, but may not believe doctrinally like me...fighting the fight until I see His face,

Dave, son of God...brother to ALL Christians

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We were at Homecoming, too. We heard Jesse's message - it was excellent. My family has long been inspired to minister to every "denomination". We have preached in Baptist churches, Catholic churches, Presbyterian churches and many more. We work with a ministry that gives to the poor no matter what denomination. We give to other denominations as we are able. We believe what Jesus said -- that the world would know Him by our love for one another. That's what the world is looking for - a manifestation of truth in Jesus' words.

I do, however, know by experience that it's not the "unity" of doctrine that we are called to - but, rather, as Paul made clear throughout his letters that SOUNDNESS OF DOCTRINE be embraced by Christians. If not, we can easily be deceived into a unity of faith in Jesus, but still be in bondage because of wrong doctrine (see the book of Galatians, for example - they were in unity of faith, but not in sound doctrine - others had crept in to deceive and hold them in bondage).

Do a reference search in the New Testament on sound doctrine and you will see Paul's exhortatations to be important to every Christian. Paul warned Timothy and the other churches to stay close to sound doctrine - his desire was to see God's people on the path of liberty in Christ Jesus, otherwise He died in vain.

Don't just accept what is preached because a person says they are a "believer", but search the scriptures (Acts 17) to see if the things preached are so.

Thank you for your article and stay close to sound doctrine in all your endeavors in Jesus Christ.