Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Warrior's Heart

Last night as I was eating a late dinner in my home, I decided that I would watch the movie "First Knight". It has become one of my favorite of the Arthur stories. There is something in this movie that calls to my heart. It stirs something in my heart that few things can.

You see as a Christian man, I bear the image of God. I'm not bragging, if you are a believer in Jesus then you too bear the image of God. In the book of Exodus, after the Jewish people have crossed the Red Sea, and Pharaoh's army pursued them, God caused the waters to close up on the Egyptians and destroyed the entire army, to which the Jews cried out, "The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is His name!" Well if I am an image bearer of God and He is a warrior, then that means there is a warrior's heart in me as well.

That is what calls to me in this movie. It's not the love story, or the betrayal that happens because of that portion of the story. It is the fact that Arthur is willing to stand against Malagant (the bad guy) to protect the innocent. Check out this portion of dialogue between Arthur and Malagant:

Malagant: I mean no harm to Camelot.

Arthur: You know the law we live by. And where is it written, beyond Camelot live lesser people? People to weak to protect themselves, let them die, hmmm?

Malagant: Other people live by other laws Arthur, or is the law of Camelot to rule the entire world?

Arthur: There are laws that enslave men, and laws that set them free. Either what we hold to be right and good and true is right and good and true for all mankind, under God. Or we're just another robber tripe.

Malagant: Your fine words are talking you out of peace and into war.

Arthur: There's a peace that is only to be found on the other side of war. If that battle must come, I will fight it!

Arthur's knights rise and proclaim: "And I!"

Malagant: The great Arthur and his great dream. No dream lasts forever. (Malagant leaves)

Arthur: What is the strength of the army?

What I really like about this is the fact that Arthur doesn't even hesitate. He tells Malagant that he will face him, and the look on Malagant's face is actually a mixture of bewilderment and rage as he is leaving. I want to be that way. There is something in my heart that wants to meet the enemy head on. Yet, in most Christian circles men are asked, in so many ways, to be nice, not rock the boat, just let it go and so on. And truthfully this makes me sick to my stomach. I'm pretty sure it does Jesus as well, for He stated in Revelation 3:15-16 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

If you haven't watched this movie lately, maybe you should. And while you're at it let that warrior spirit that God has placed in every man rise up and take a stand, be hot or cold...let's stop being lukewarm.

Fighting the fight, until I see His face.

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