I must say that what I'm about to write here may or may not be consider crazy. Not that I've ever pretended to be totally sane, but even for me this one ranks right up there.
This week in Oklahoma, we have experienced another ice storm. Although this one wasn't as bad as the one in December 2007, it did send me home early on Monday night and keep me at home all day on Tuesday. The worst part of it, was that my family was iced in at my Sister in law's house in Midwest City. You know, when you are around your family all the time, they can tend to get on your nerves (and just so you'll know that I'm not heartless, I know that I get on their nerves) but when they are not able to get home, it becomes a whole different thing, and that longing is tough.
Well, even though I was missing my family, I do enjoy being alone from time to time, and I thought that this would give me the perfect opportunity to watch all six Star Wars movies back to back. After dinner on Monday night, I put Episode I in the dvd player and began my marathon. Little did I know that by the same time twenty-four hours later I would have only watched that one movie.
After watching the entire first episode, I opted to go ahead and clean up the mess that I had made in the kitchen. Not wanting to try and watch the second movie and clean (something that I know I can't do, I get too easily distracted and forget to finish my work) I decided instead to listen to a book on CD called
"The Shack" that one of our customers at the shoe store had loaned Cheryl. It's an interesting tale, a work of fiction, but a good story none the less.
I was struck by the similarities of the book's main character and myself as the story started. We both were stuck at home in an ice storm, and both of our families were at our Sister in law's house. The only difference was that Mack (the book's main character) went outside in the ice storm and fell and busted his head open. I determined right then that I would not go outside, as I was already feeling as if I was in an episode of the twilight zone.
Anyway, I continued on with the story and my work, actually finding myself being swept up into the story. In what seemed to be just a few short minutes I was drinking a cup of coffee and starting the second CD. I finished the second CD, and then decided that I should get back to my Star Wars marathon. I inserted Episode II and lay down to watch the movie. In just a few minutes I was hunkered down and fast asleep for the night.
The next morning I awoke early like I usually do, put on a pot of coffee and began my day by reading the passages in my daily bible reading plan, that I, like my friend Linda Scott have determined to actually accomplish this this year. After my reading and a little journalling, I decided to listen to the next CD in the audio book. It wasn't too long before I had finished the third and the fourth CD.
I decided to shower, and start a little laundry and house work. Putting in the fifth CD I busily worked around the house listening to the story of Mack and God and the visitation at the shack. By now I had determined to finish this book on CD before going back to the movie marathon. I was just so caught up in this story.
Later that night, I was cleaning off the computer desk, when the sixth CD ended. My CD player automatically went to the next CD in the tray which just happened to be Bryan Duncan's latest album
"Still Dancin'". The title song began to play with it's James Brown-ish bluesy style funk, and I began to move my feet and hips a little.
This is where the story takes it's strange, and almost magical turn. As I was dancing and singing along with Bryan Duncan (not as well of course) I really began to move my feet and dance around. As I was doing that, I had the distinct impression in my heart that the Trinity had decided to join me. I laughed and danced the entire length of the song, mentally watching my three friends dancing alongside me. It truly was a magical moment, one of those that doesn't happen very often but when it does, oh how you will cherish it.
I laughed out loud when the second song started. It is called "Papa Ain't Gonna Quit". The reason that I laughed out loud was that throughout the entire book The Shack, Mack's wife refers to God as Papa. It's something that his whole family does. So when I heard Bryan singing Papa Ain't Gonna Quit....it really caused me to smile. I liked it so well, that I went and played it again, looking for the album cover so that I could actually be sure I was hearing things correctly.
The time I spent in Papa's presence that night, though short in what we would count as time, was incredible. And if eternity is going to be anything like that night in my home, then we have so much to look forward to.
God may have met the fathers of our faith in the wilderness wrestling, or through a burning bush, but I met God iced in on my hilltop listening to a work of fiction, though while not a true story, and not probably doctrinely sound something that my Papa used to reach down deep into my heart and bring a massive change and love for my fellow man that I never knew possible. So thank you Papa...I love You.