Saturday, February 21, 2015

Story Time

As I was pouring myself a cup of coffee this morning, I found myself whistling the theme song to The Odd Couple. Now before you think what is wrong with him, I did see the premier episode of the remake of this TV classic starring Matthew Perry a couple of nights ago.  What amazed me, was I was able to whistle the whole song.  This got me to thinking about a movie clip from Planes, Trains & Automobiles, take a look.

Isn't it funny how no one knew 3 Coins in a Fountain, but they all knew the Flintstone's theme song?   This is how I feel a lot of times as I talk about God and the Bible.  I mention a story from the Bible and I get a dull stare, but mention The Office or some other television series and their eyes will light up as I'm told about their favorite episodes. What have we become as a society?  

Before the advent of TV, people used to sit around in their living rooms and listen to stories on the family radio.  Without being able to see something, they were forced to imagine what they heard with their minds.  Depending on how good the actors were really made a difference as to how well they could imagine the scenes.
And even before then, people told stories to pass down from generation to generation their culture and history.  Storytellers were sought out in ancient times, and applauded for their abilities to tell a tale, and I'm sure the more animated they were, the more people wanted to listen.  You see a type of this in the movie Return of the Jedi too when C3PO tells the Ewoks the whole story of what has happened to them.

One of my favorite things to do is tell stories. I've been told I'm pretty good at it too.  I think it's because I get very animated when doing so.  Stories nourish something within our hearts.  If you've ever been around a little kid, you know they cannot get enough stories.
Eugene Petterson; the author of The Message is quoted as saying, 
"Stories are verbal acts of hospitality."  I love this quote!  When we tell stories, we are being hospitable, which is one of the things to hold society together.

And what better stories to hold society together, than Bible stories? These nourish our hearts in a way no other stories can. I think it's because not only are they fun to listen too, they teach us how to live too.  There is a great book called Egemeier's Bible Storybook which you can read to your family as a way to help them learn about God and His Kingdom. It was written in such a way as to make it easy to understand.  You can click the link which will take you to my friend Joe McGee's website where you can purchase your own copy.

I think it's time we brought story time back. I'm not saying to throw your tv away, but maybe turn it off once in a while and give your imagination a work out and read stories together as a family. Just a thought.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

To Infinity & Beyond

Too many times I'm left wondering what just happened. Let me explain.   It seems so many times I have in mind how things are going to happen in my life, only to realize they don't pan out anything like I envisioned them. 

Both of my kids are now engaged, my daughter marries in just over two weeks and my son a few months later. And because of this, there has been a lot of reflecting going on inside of me lately.  Mainly about how I  could've/should've done things differently.  I wonder now if they are going to be able to make it out there without me to help them?

I never would have thought this time in parenthood would be the hardest; you know the letting go and watching them become adults.  I still rember holding them in my arms and rocking them to sleep.  This is more difficult than I ever realized.

I'm like Buzz Lightyear in a way, I thought I had it all figured out, thought I knew who I was, and what mission I was on.  Only like Buzz in Toy Story, it's all come crashing down around me forcing me to realize what is really going on, and who I really am.  My role is just different now, not better or worse just different.  Now instead of holding them and rocking them to sleep, I'm co-signing for apartments. 

I will navigate this season of life with my bride beside me, make the necessary changes I need to and continue this walk of life figuring it out one day at a time.  And l'll start today by amping up my prayer life for them.  Because as unsure as I am about my place right now, I'm sure they are even  more unsure of theirs, because they've never been here before and I have.

So in conclusion, hold your babies close and love them a bunch, because the day is coming where they will move out and start their lives as adults.  And this is what we all desire isn't it?  So, "To infinity, and beyond!"

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Can't We All Just Get Along?

So what's the deal with mankind and his inability to get along with one another? Why does it seem when you're on the end who's getting yelled at you end up feeling like you did something wrong, but you know you didn't?

And why is it the people God places in our lives to be our closest allies end up treating you like something the cat drug in?  I know for my part I have been on both the receiving and the giving end of these things, so I'm not just pointing fingers at anyone, just a thought I had before going to sleep.

You'd think we'd be a little nicer to each other, but instead talk ugly. I guess we just figure it's our family and they'll just love us anyway. But I know I always feel a little bit low in spirit after one of those kind of sessions.  How about you?

I know I'm going to try harder from now on. Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

How Are You Seeing Things?

We all have a story to tell, everyone of us.  Some of the stories are better than others; there are those which are full of hardships, while others seemed to be filled with wonderful things like ponies, new cars at Christmas and the like.  The really interesting thing about everyone's story is regardless of the circumstances, good or bad we are all loved by our Heavenly Father and He only wants the best for us.  It's just up to us how we see our story.

Perspective is an awesome thing if used correctly.  The other day, I read a letter a young lady wrote to her family. This girl was being held captive by a terrorist organization, and had been their hostage for a while.  I was amazed mainly by the positive message she wrote to them.  Never once did she complain about her situation, she spoke words of encouragement about when they would all be together again, and what they would do on that happy day.  Unfortunately, the young lady was murdered by the terrorist, but I really believe her outlook about the situation, even as bad as it was, was positive because she chose to see it that way.

The definition for the word perspective is: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.  Regardless of your situation, it is the attitude you have during it which is going to make the difference.  It is totally up to us, and we cannot blame anyone else.

Let me tell you a little story from my own life as an example of what I mean.  It wasn't too long ago, I was asked to stay later than normal at work.  Well, it was cold, dark and I was counting pipe using a flashlight while it felt as if my stomach was gnawing it's way through to my spine.  The situation wasn't ideal to say the least, and I wasn't even trying to see the situation in any other way except how it was making me feel. 

I called my wife and began to explain why I wasn't home.  Okay, actually I was griping and complaining about how unfairly I was being treated.  She quickly helped me see my attitude about the situation wasn't the best and I needed to make a correction.  After ending the call, I began to talk to the Lord about my attitude, asking Him to help me get it right.  I then went on to do the job and actually even smiled and laughed a bit about it all.  I got home late, and had to be back at work the next day early, but my attitude was much better.  Thank God for a wife who speaks the truth in love.

Well a couple of days went by, and I was called into the office and handed an envelope.  I opened it, and looked inside and found three brand new one hundred dollar bills.  I was told thank you for staying late the other night.  To say I was blown away is an understatement.  I also realized (the next day) by working late the one night, I made up for the hours I had lost by leaving earlier the day before.  God was working on my behalf the whole time, even though I didn't see it at the time.  I will say, if my attitude had continued down the path it was going, my boss wouldn't have blessed me outside of the overtime hours.  After all who wants to bless someone who is griping and complaining?

What I've begin to figure out here is when situations arise which would cause me to begin to gripe and complain, instead of going with what feels right, I ask God what is really going on here?  I ask Him to give me eyes to see the situation as it really is, not as I feel it is. This is why I believe Joseph in the Bible was able to endure all those years in slavery.  He chose how he was going to look at each situation, even though it seemed to keep getting worse and worse.  Eventually he became the main man under Pharaoh in all the land.

Kind of makes me wonder what we may be missing out on from time to time.  How about you?  How are you seeing things?

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!


Modern Day Marauders

This morning I was watching the movie First Knight, it is one of the many stories about King Arthur and his knights.  Truthfully, it is one of my favorite versions of the tale.  As I was watching Malagant and his men ravage a village; killing the inhabitants and burning it to the ground I couldn't help but wonder what would make men go to such extreme acts of violence and hatred.

I understand this is just a movie for entertainment, but if you know anything about me, you know I am often moved to deeper thoughts by the images I see in movies, television and books.  God can use anything He chooses and for me it just happens to be the entertainment industry which speaks to my heart.

There are just some people in this world who for whatever reason just want to take everything they can by any means necessary, regardless of who they hurt in the process.   As Alfred told Bruce Wayne in the Batman movie The Dark Knight, "Some men just want to watch the world burn."  Now this is not a thought process I understand at all.  It is as foreign to me as a second language.  These are people who only look out for number one, and could care less what happens to anyone in the process.

I read one time that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.  This is why I believe these modern day marauders are allowed to get away with as much as they do; good men and women for whatever reason refusing to stand up to them.  I can't stand bullies.  Bullies are those people who just push others around.  It usually stems from insecurities in their own lives, and rather than face them and do something about it, they take the initiative and bully others before they themselves can be bullied.  When you realize this about them, it's easier to feel sorry for them.

I've only been bullied a couple of times in my life, and instead of standing up to the bully, I usually ran away, believing to retreat being the better course of action.  I can say now as an adult, it wasn't.  I wish I would have stood up to the bullies back then.  I might have possibly taken a few lumps, but at least then the bully wouldn't have continued to have so much power over me. 

I'm not advocating violence by any means, but sometimes you just have to stand up to evil and face it head on.  This is where I think we're missing it as a society today.  Groups of people who use fear to control other people's lives need to be taken to task.  Recently a Jordanian pilot was burned alive by the terrorist organization ISIS.  In retaliation, the King of Jordan suited up and led the attack on them.  I've got to say I was impressed.  It's been a while since I've seen any national leader with a set take up a posture like this.  I say kudos to King Abdullah.

These modern day marauders come in all shapes, sizes, colors and genders.  The thing which should become the standard in dealing with them is for us to stand up to their evil wherever we see it, regardless of how big it is, saying, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"  Then take them to task for their actions, regardless of the outcome.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day?

I may be blasted for saying this, but I really don't like the holiday Valentine's Day.  I am supposed to show my bride how much I love her by purchasing chocolates, flowers or the latest gotta have gift.  It's almost as if I need to buy her love for another year.  Don't get me wrong, I love my bride very much, but I work diligently to show her on a daily basis, not just once a year because the card industry is pushing cards.

Valentine's Day is a holiday which only makes me feel like a loser.  I am forced year after year to improve the way I show my wife how much I love her.  And with the advent of social media, now I'm not only forced to improve on what I've done, but I must compete with every other man who has bought a gift for his girl.  Yeah that helps.

I want my bride to know I love her, really know it.  It's for this reason I get up and go to work every day. I clean the kitchen, do laundry, take out the trash and occasionally fill up her gas tank.  It's doing these things which shows Cheryl I love her. Don't misunderstand me, Cheryl likes gifts and I like giving them to her. I just want it to be my idea and not something I'm forced to do in order to look like a great guy.

I will continue to do my best to show Cheryl she is the only girl for me, whether it be with gifts or acts of service.  The only thing is it will be my idea and no one else's.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Father of the Bride

I have been married for twenty-six years and a father for twenty-two.  In just a few weeks I will walk my baby girl down the aisle and give her away to the man of her dreams.  I’ve known this day was coming for quite some time now, but as the time draws closer, I find myself thinking about the past.

I’m happy with the way I’ve fathered my children, I really am.  I mean of course if I had it to do over, I’d change some things.  I’d laugh more, act silly for no reason and look for more opportunities to just sit with my kids and be with them.

It’s at this point in my life as I wonder about the past; I begin to have doubts though.  Doubts of whether or not I’ve really given April all the things she is going to need to be a success in her marriage.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m very proud of the woman she has become, and I think she is doing great.  It’s just that she is fixing to marry a man, leave my house and start her own family.  Will she be able to make it without me there to help? 

This is the doubt I wrestle with.  Not that she’ll be able to do it, I believe in her abilities.  I just hope I’ve done all I can to pour into her life so she will have what she needs to draw on when the time comes.  I'm sure most every dad has wondered this before giving his daughter away.

We were a home school family, and part of an amazing co-op in the later years.  I always felt we were the underachieving homeschool family though.  It seemed every kid in our co-op was building robots and working on their doctorate while we were striving for our kids to graduate. (Okay so that might be a bit of an exaggeration).  What I am confident in however, is my kids know how to find the answers to the questions they have in life.

I have also made it a conscious effort while my kids were growing to stress the importance of finding out what God has for them, then chasing after it.  And this is one of the things I'm most excited about for my baby girl.  She is doing what the Lord has for her to do.  And while I'm excited about this, it is a tad bit scary too.  Scary because she will not have me there to help her if she needs it.  I have to let her go and trust God will guide her in everything she does.  Thankfully, He is faithful and loves her even more than I do. 
Since purchasing the dress for her big day, it has being hanging in my office just to the right of my desk.  It is a constant reminder to me how the day is ever drawing near.  In just a few weeks I'll be sitting here writing and it will no longer be there, and she'll be off to start her new adventure in life with her husband.  It'll be exciting for her, and a little sad for me I'm sure.  My baby all grown up and out changing the world for God with the new man in her life.

April may not be my little baby girl swinging in my arms any more, but regardless of how old she becomes she will always be my baby girl.  And as we walk arm in arm down the aisle on her wedding day, I won't be able to keep from thinking how I was there for the first steps she took as a baby, and now I am there as she takes her first steps as a woman.  Yeah, I'll probably bawl like a little baby.
Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Evil On My Doorstep Part 4

The day my son died is somewhat of a blur.  I remember vividly some things, and others all kind of whirl past me.  As I was thinking of how to start this morning, I saw my journal and looked into it for what I'd written on April 6, 2010.  So let me start with what I wrote the night Noah died.

"Today has been the worst and hardest day I've ever had to endure.  My son is dead.  Part of me feels dead inside.  I'm being strong for the family but there are times where the tears flow. 

I'm mad that he felt things were so bad that he needed to do this.  I wish he would have talked to me or his mom.  He was so stubborn; a trait that worked for him when he witnessed to people about the love of Jesus.

I hate this!  I absolutely hate this!  My son should be here with us, he should not be dead!  I wish I would have done something - anything!

Father - I need You now more than ever.  I need Your comfort and Your guidance.  Help me to be strong for my family.  Help me please to not stray far from Your side in this horrible time.  Show me where to make changes and how to do what You would have me to do.  Comfort my family and bring us peace.  Jesus, hold us close to Your side.  Teach us what we need to know to walk this out, in Jesus name."

As I chronicle the events of April 6th and those to follow, I realize I am bound to forget some of the things which happened, and some of the people who came to visit us in our time of need.  I will say this, I have never witnessed the love of God through people in the way I did in the days following Noah's death.  And please understand I am writing this with kind of an overview of the events and how I was feeling at the time, and I know I will inadvertently overlook someone who did a kindness to me and my family, and for that I would like to apologize up front.  It is not my intention to leave anyone out, so if I do please do not take it personal.

After a few hours I found myself standing next to my kid's trampoline, one of Noah's favorite things.  As I stood there alone for a minute, I began speaking to the Lord.  I remember telling Him, "I know You didn't do this.  I know it is the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy, not You Jesus.  I realize this for the attack on my family that it is.  I know we are in a love story set in a world at war, and even though You've won the victory, we still have battles to fight.  We've taken a hit Lord, that much is true, but I promise this will not stop us from doing what You've called us to do.  No matter how hard this is, and it's tough, we will endure and continue what we're supposed to do as a family.  This will not destroy us!"

I thank God for a little book written by John Eldredge call "Epic".  In it he does a masterful job of explaining the Story God is telling and our place in it.  I am eternally grateful to John for writing this book, and truthfully it really helped me be able to realize what exactly was going on at the time.  I would recommend you get a copy of this book and read it today, it really is a great tool.

Going back over to my family, I told them this was not going to destroy us, how we would fight through it and continue to do what God has called us to do.  I explained to them we were going to just breathe, take a step forward and then breathe again.  We would do this together as a family one step at a time, which is not to say it has been easy, it hasn't, but we've done it.

At one point in the evening, after there were many people in our home, my friend Terry went with me to the shoe store so I could shut it down for the day.  Since I had run out so fast earlier the lights were still on.  When we arrived, I picked up the telephone receiver and went to the back to place it on the base and saw the light flashing indicating I had received a message.  Out of habit, I pressed the button to hear the message, and was shocked to hear who the caller was and his message. 

As I listened to the words of comfort and prayers offered, tears came into my eyes.  The caller was a man named Craig McConnell, who is one of the members of Ransomed Heart Ministries started by John Eldredge.  I had contacted a friend at Ransomed Heart earlier in the evening, telling them what had happened and asking them to pray for my family.  I was already a fan of the ministry, but Craig's phone call cemented in my heart forever how truly incredible the people at Ransomed Heart are.  I have always loved Craig's blogs, here is a link to them, and I would highly recommend you read them.

As I crawled into bed that first night, I lay there with tears in my eyes looking at the pictures of Noah on my phone, saying, "Why Noah, why?" over and over.  Questions swirled around in my head of the whys and what was to come now.  I remember how viciously my body shook as the tears fell from my eyes, and sobs came from somewhere deep within me.  I determined I would be  strong in the coming days for my family, but that first night I gave myself over to grief, and allowed it to begin its work.  Eventually my grief gave way to sleep and I closed the chapter on this first new day in my family's life.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lip Service

In Matthew 26:30-35 you will find the story where Jesus tells Peter he is going to deny knowing Him.  As I read this passage today I was struck with the thought of how adamant Peter was when he said he'd never deny The Lord.  I mean I think Peter really meant what he said, as probably do most of us when we tell The Lord things too.

I know for myself  I've often made a commitment in prayer only to find myself later doing the exact opposite.  Why do we do that I wonder?  Does this mean I'm just a man who gives lip service to The Lord in order to look good?  Was this what Peter was doing?  Just trying to look good in front of the disciples?  It's evident he said it loud enough for all to hear because verse 35 states all the disciples said the same thing after Peter's statement.

All the disciples fled into the night when the soldiers arrested Jesus, and only a few of them went afterwards to see what was to happen to The Lord.  Peter was one of the men to go and warm himself by the fire, but when people began to question him, out of fear he did in fact deny knowing Jesus.  He even began to curse and swear as a way of proving his point.

I think if we will be honest with ourselves, the reason we don't always follow through with what we promise The Lord is because we're afraid of what others will think or say.  I know this is the reason for me.  And I'm not really sure why that is, because I'm pretty adamant about not caring what others think about me.

I guess realistically it comes down to this fact, there must be just a little bit in me that is afraid of what other people think, otherwise I would never just give lip service to what I believe.  What makes this really hard to swallow for me is the fact Jesus didn't shirk His responsibility when faced with being mocked, spit on, beaten and ultimately crucified, yet because I feel a little uncomfortable in certain situations, I will do the same thing as Peter and deny The Lord by just not saying anything.

And isn't it easy to read this account about Peter and say to yourself, "Peter, how could you do it?"  I for one will be apologizing to him when meet him in Heaven.  Wow, what a revelation to learn about yourself early in the morning.  I guess I've got another thing to work on today.  Well, I hope I didn't step on your toes too much this morning, because I've been stomping my own while writing this.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Evil On My Doorstep Part 3

The time was around 5:00 PM, and Cheryl had just left the shoe store.  I began gathering up all the materials for the night's class in between helping customers at the shoe store.  At this point in our lives, Cheryl and I had been married for twenty-one years, and we were a happy couple.  With Christ at the center of our relationship, our marriage was a good one and we loved being with each other. 

When we first started to date, I remember a conversation Cheryl and I had about our future.  We had agreed how divorce was never going to be an option for us, no matter how difficult things would ever get in our lives we were committed to one another and we had both better be sure we wanted to be together forever because there would be no going back.  I can't tell you how much knowing you have a committed partner in life helps keep the wolves at bay when the going gets tough.

I haven't always known the will of God for my life.  There have been many times in my Christian walk where what I was supposed to be doing for the Lord wasn't really clear to me.  But this time was different.  I knew Cheryl and I were walking right in the center of God's will for our lives, and I have to say it thrilled me to no end.

I believe it was around 5:30 when my telephone rang and my life changed forever.  I saw it was my daughter's number and I answered hello.  What I heard made my blood run cold.  April was crying/yelling for me to come home, and that something had happened to Noah.  Without even thinking, I ran out of the shoe store, pausing only long enough to lock the door, then sprinted across the parking lot to my pickup truck.  Starting the engine, and slamming it into gear almost simultaneously, I fish tailed out of the parking lot with white smoke belching from my tires.

To tell the truth, I experienced a fear unlike anything I've ever known.  When you hear the phrase "fear gripped my heart", I can tell you it's true. My mouth became as dry as a desert, and I had a difficult time swallowing.  I drove like a maniac weaving in and out of traffic, praying as I drove, "Lord let everything be alright."  I grabbed my phone from my pocket, and called my friend Terry, explaining to him how something had happened to Noah, and to call our band of brothers and get them praying.  Hanging up from him, I called a dear friend in California and asked him to do the same with our online band of brothers.  On a side note; I am so thankful for these men in my life who were there for me that day.  If you do not have a band of brothers you walk and do life with, I would suggest you find some a.s.a.p.  I could not have made it without them.

My driveway which is several hundred yards long seemed to be an never ending path of concrete and asphalt.  I thought I'd never get home, when in reality it had taken me less than five minutes, a full five minutes shorter than it usually would take me.  I slid to a stop, threw the gear shift into park and turned off the engine, racing towards my house at top speed.  My wife and daughter were in tears, saying Noah had hung himself in his bedroom.  As my girls went to the front porch to wait on the ambulance, I walked down the hallway towards Noah's bedroom.  It was as if I had concrete blocks tied to my feet.

I will just say as I entered my son's room; the place where we'd spent countless hours playing, laughing and doing life, I was unprepared to face what I was about to see.  There on the floor of his bedroom lay my youngest son Noah.  I ran to his body, dropped to my knees and began to beg God for his life.  I prayed harder than I've ever prayed in my life.  Not knowing what to do, I laid him back down and began to beat on his chest hoping to jump start his heart I guess, I'm not really sure at this point.  I'm not sure how long this lasted, as time kind of seemed to stop for me, but paramedics came streaming into the room and asking me to leave they began to perform CPR on my son.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a glass and filled it with water.  Drinking it down like a man parched from days of walking across a desert, I refilled the glass and walked to the front porch to check on my wife and daughter.  They were both in shock, and the looks on their faces broke my heart.  I took out my phone and looking up the number for Micah's work, I called and explained to the manager who I was and that there was an emergency and Micah was needed at home immediately.

Within a few minutes my phone rang, and it was Micah asking what had happened.  I explained the situation and told him to hurry home, only to be safe getting there.  He was understandably upset, and began to express just how upset in a barrage of words at a high decibel.  Realizing his need to vent his emotions, I just listened for a few minutes.  After I felt he had released enough, I yelled, "That's enough!  You've vented, but I need you to be strong for your mother and sister when you get home, so no more."  He agreed and we ended our conversation. 

A deputy sheriff walked up to me and began to ask me questions.  I'm pretty sure I wasn't very kind to this man who was just doing his job, but at the time I just didn't care.  As we were talking, one of the paramedics came out to me and said Noah was gone.  My phone rang again, and I answered it to hear my Pastor's voice on the other end.  I told him what had happened, and that the paramedic had called the time of death.  He told me that may be a fact, but the truth according to God's Word was it was up to me, not to a paramedic and to wait until he got there.  I asked the paramedics to wait until my Pastor arrived before doing anything else.  And I went to comfort my wife and daughter as I waited.

Micah got home, and immediately went to his mom and sister.  He was a tower of strength to them, and I can honestly say I have never been more proud of my son.  He stepped up as a man, and it was such an encouragement to me, knowing I would not have to shoulder this burden alone.  Shortly after Micah arrived, my Pastor and friend Terry showed up.  Terry went to be with Cheryl, Micah and April, while my Pastor and I went into Noah's room.  He was very gracious and asked the medical personnel if they would give us a moment.
Closing the door, this man of God went to my son's body and began to command life to come back.  Up to this point, I never really understood what a Pastor was until I saw mine in action.  I sat on Noah's bed and prayed, watching as Heaven was bombarded with prayers and commands of life returning.  It is at this point I wish I could say we experienced a miracle and just like the stories in the Bible about people coming back from the dead Noah woke up.  But he didn't.  After about ten to fifteen minutes (time seemingly stood still) Pastor David looked up at me and said, "David, I don't think Noah wants to come back."  I agreed and we left the body with the paramedics so they could do what needed to be done.

By this time the wives of both Pastor David and Terry had arrived as well, and they were talking with Cheryl.  The authorities removed my son's body to the coroner's vehicle, leaving us to sort through the myriad of emotions and to try and sort out in our brains what exactly had just transpired in the last hour and a half.  I will end today's post with this thought, no matter how bad I've ever had issues with any person who has ever done me wrong, I would never wish this experience on anyone, ever.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Evil On My Doorstep Part 2

I’m going to tell you about the worst time my family ever faced, and what we have done to overcome in the midst of adversity.  I’m writing this now, because I feel the time has finally come for me to tell our story.  It is my desire to lift Jesus up throughout this telling, and not to take any of the credit or glory for how we as a family responded to this tragic event in our lives, because I realize there is nothing we could have done within ourselves to get to the place we are today.  Without the help of our Father God, we would never have made it.

It is my hope and prayer you will find something in this story which will relate to where you are in life, and in my sharing you will be able to take something away from this which will encourage you to continue to follow God even through the midst of trials, despair and tragedy.  And if you are not a follower of Jesus Christ, then my prayer for you is that you will be by the end of this tale.  So let’s get right to it, shall we?

The day was like any other day in the Felts household; I got up early while the rest of my family was still in their rooms sleeping, drank my coffee, spent some time in my Bible and on the internet and then got ready to go open the business my wife and I owned in town. 

Like I said, just a typical day with one exception, on this night Cheryl and I were to begin facilitating a new marriage class at our church.  Through the years, we had both worked in various aspects of children’s ministry at our church, serving almost every time the doors were open, with our children right there beside us helping.  It was a family affair, and something I will cherish all my days.

But our time in the children’s ministry had come to a close, I was now leading the men’s ministry and Cheryl was helping in various other capacities, but we both felt a desire to help people in our church in their marriages and families.  I remember the two of us talking about what was to come, and how excited we both were to begin this new endeavor.

Cheryl and I ran a local family shoe store, and had done so for many years.  At this particular season in our life we were the only two employees, so I would open the store each day, while Cheryl would come in later in the day to help me.  Our kids were thirteen, fifteen and seventeen at the time, and we homeschooled each of them, so Cheryl would get their schoolwork started before coming to the store.

Like I said, this day was unlike any other we had experienced.  It was the same old typical things in the Felts household; Micah, April and Noah pestering each other while Cheryl worked at getting them focused on school.  There was laughter and chaos all at the same time, just your typical family dynamic.

Around one o’clock Cheryl showed up at the shoe store, and I left to go home for lunch.  Micah had already left for his part time job at QuikTrip, a local convenience store by the time I got there.  I believe April was in the living room watching Sponge Bob Squarepants on the TV while Noah was doing his thing in his bedroom.

I ate lunch, and then told the kids to do something nice for their mother and clean up the living room before she got home to pick them up later.  Of course I was met with the same typical response usually received from teenagers; moaning, groaning and complaining.  To this day, I regret the fact of yelling at Noah to just stop complaining and do what I asked.  I did tell the kids I loved them as I left, and for them to be ready to go at six o’clock.

So many things were going on during that afternoon, and I’ve often wondered and questioned God about them.  To this day I still have no answers to some of my questions, but as a great minister told me once, sometimes after you’ve asked God your questions, you just have to put them on the back burner and wait for the answers to come.

On a side note here, I want to say my children know their dad loves them.  I say it often, and have worked diligently to make sure there is no doubt in their minds about this.  Even when I was forced to discipline my kids, it always ended with me telling them I loved them.  This is something which is so important for kids to know, and we as fathers must be sure we do this.

With that being said, I’d like to speak to the dads out there for just a moment.  You have an extremely important role to play in your children’s lives.  You are the example of God to them; what they see you do, will translate over to how they relate to their Spiritual Father.  It is a heavy responsibility for sure, but one you can and must bear.

And dads, this doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, because none of us are.  What we must be is be quick to forgive, and even quicker to repent.  Our kids don’t need to see us as perfect; they need to see us as real.  And real men make mistakes; they just don’t run from them.  Real men own up to their mistakes, and make it right by those they’ve wronged.  So don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake, just make it right, and use it as a learning experience for both you and your family.

Cheryl and I continued to work that afternoon, and as the time approached for us to leave to go to the church, she left early to purchase the snacks we planned on serving our class.  In between customers, I looked over the material once more in preparation, excitement building in my heart for the lives we were going to touch.  Yet at that very moment unknown to me, evil was in my home, preparing to tear the very fabric of my family’s lives in an effort to destroy us.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Evil On My Doorstep Part 1

I've faced quite a bit in my 51 years on planet Earth, more than some and less than others, as I'm sure we all have.  One of the things I've concluded is this fact, we all face something at one time of another.  Now this could be considered a morbid thought, or like I prefer to think it can be an encouraging one instead.  How can the fact you are going to face challenges be an encouraging thought you ask?  Well to quote one of my mentors Red Green, because "...we're all in this together."

I'm pretty sure I've discussed this before, but since this is my latest therapy session and it's what's rolling around inside of me, I guess I'll talk about it again.  Life with all it's complexities does not come at us like a math equation does it?  To quote Bilbo Baggins from J.R.R. Tolkien's book The Fellowship of the Ring, "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."  Your life is really just a story being told one page at a time.  Each day you awake to a new morning it's  just one more chapter beginning.  The really cool thing is you don't know what is going to happen next, and there's where the fun begins.

There are a few books which I re-read on a yearly basis.  I do this because I dearly love the stories and I enjoy revisiting them again and again.  I know what is going to happen as I turn each page because I've read them so many times.  My life however is not like that, and yours isn't either.  We live our lives each day once, and tomorrow is going to be something else.  It's like reading a story for the first time.  The only down side to this is we don't know what is coming, so we can be caught unaware from time to time.  Sometimes it's good things, and at other times it can be bad, unfortunartely we don't get to choose which it will be.  We just  have to take each day as it comes.

Our perspective really makes a difference in how we interpret our days though.  The Bible says, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6), so we need to understand what God is truly saying in Scripture when we read it.  In 1Thessalonians 5:18 we are commanded to give thanks in every circumstance.  So many people have misinterpreted this passage of Scripture, using it to blame God when bad things happen, instead of doing what it actually teaches.  It says, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  Notice the first word, "In".  So many times people will quote it this way, "For all things give thanks..."  God doesn't ask us to give thanks for everything, He tells us in every situation and circumstance to thank Him.  It is a thankful heart which will lead you to the victory over every situation; good or bad.

Often what people want to do is work towards minimizing the amount of difficulties in their lives, thinking it is a challenge free life God offers mankind.  Actually it is the exact opposite which He offers.  It is not the absence of challenges which make our lives better, it is  being able to interpret what is going on in the middle of the chaos, and walk it out according to the Word of God.

I have found a defining Scripture to go to when challenges show up.  It is found in John 10:10, let's look at what Jesus said, "The thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy.  I have come that you might have a full life."  There are two things to notice here; one it is the thief (the devil) who is killing, stealing and destroying from you, and it is Jesus who is bringing you a full life.  It's pretty plain and simple, and this one Scripture has probably helped me more than any other in the past five years.  When you are faced with challenges, take this passage of Scripture and apply it to what is happening.  If you find killing, stealing or destroying happening, then you will know who is doing it.  If what you are experiencing  is bringing a full and satisfying life, then guess what?  It is coming from Jesus.  This one Scripture will bring a lot of clarity to what is going on in your life each day. 

I feel the time has come for me to tell one of the most difficult stories in my life. Yet in order to tell it properly I needed to lay the foundation for what I want to talk about.  The foundation is this; we are all going to face challenges in life, every one of us.  Sometimes they are harder than others, but we are all going to face them.  We have to be able to rightly interpret what is happening in order to make it through the rough days.  If our interpretation of the events is incorrect, we will not handle it properly.  And the way to interpret what is going on correctly is found in John 10:10.

So having laid the foundation here, I will leave you now and return to this later.  Have a great day, I'm off to church to be with my church family and spend some time corporately with my Heavenly Father.  Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Friday, February 6, 2015


    The definition of the word purpose is as follows: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

Yesterday I began a discussion about purpose, and decided to continue on this path today.  Think about it for a minute, a life without purpose makes me ask the question, what’s the point?  Look at the last part of purpose’s definition: the reason for which something exists.  Purpose is the reason for which something or dare I say someone exists?

I hope if you have been reading anything I’ve written over the years you have come to realize I am a Christian.  If I’ve been too covert in my attempt to make people realize this about me, forgive me.  I believe in intelligent design, you know how God created the heavens and the earth, and you and me.  He is the master designer of all this world, and yes for those of you who are of a scientific bent, I also believe in the big bang theory.  I believe God said it, and “bang” it happened.

Using this as the premise of what I’d like to discuss today, since God designed everything, and if He did so then doesn’t it stand to reason He probably gave everything and everyone He designed a purpose, or a reason to exist?

Take a pair of snow boots for example.  They are designed to give you traction on snow and ice, and keep your feet warm and dry.  Their purpose is pretty evident in their design.  Now if you saw a person by the ocean on a sandy beach wearing a bathing suit and a pair of snow boots, it would probably get your attention.  I’m sure you’d think, what is that guy thinking?  Because the boots were not designed to be worn at the beach, right?

I feel many of us are like the snow boots at the beach, we do have a purpose but we are unable to fulfill it because we don’t realize what our purpose actually is.  I know for myself, as I said yesterday, sometimes life gets in the way of living out your purpose. 

Have you ever started to prepare to go on vacation?  You know getting all your ducks in a row at work, making sure your animals will be taken care of, and arranging for somebody to pick up the mail for you.  Isn’t it amazing how hard we work in order to be able to leave and go on a vacation?  If we’d work that hard all the time, we’d all probably be millionaires huh?

This may be one of the best examples of living with purpose I’ve ever seen.  Because you have a goal you are reaching for; your vacation.  You work and strive so hard in order to leave for a few days, all because you have a purpose in mind.  Oh that we could have that drive and determination every day of our lives.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

What I realize is this, if I can determine (with God’s help) what I have been designed to do while I live on this planet, then each and every day leads itself to becoming better and better because I will actually be living in my purpose.  I would be following the Master’s design for my life.

   I ended my blog yesterday with Jeremiah 29:11 where God tells His people He has great plans for us.  I don’t think those plans involved us just existing day to day, living from paycheck to paycheck.  I believe we’ve grossly misinterpreted God’s intentions for us on this planet, and we need to get back to His plans, and His design.

But you might ask, “Yeah, Dave that’s great and all, but how do I do that?”  Well there are many avenues of finding out those answers, first off I would encourage you to get alone for a time with God and ask Him.  Remember He’s the one who said in the Bible if any of you lack wisdom ask God. (James 1:5)  I’d also like to invite you to visit , which is run by a man named Gary Barkalow whose purpose is helping others determine their calling or purpose.  There are many great tools on his website which will help you.

Before I end this blog today, I’d like to encourage you not feel as if you are in a bad place in your life.  Feeling sorry for yourself, or beating yourself up because you aren’t where you feel you should be is never helpful.  Use this time to realize where you actually are, and then begin to seek God for answers as to how to get where He wants you to be.

There is an old saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”  And neither should you think you will achieve what God has designed you for quickly.  If I’ve learned anything from God, it is He works slowly and steadily.  Just take each day as it comes to you, determine your purpose and then see where it leads you.  I know you can do this, I believe in you.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Confessions from the Lunatic Fringe

John 3:30 Amplified “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.
[He must grow more prominent; I must grow less so.]

It has been way, way too long since I’ve set behind my little laptop and written anything.  Life just has a way of getting in the way.  For too long I’ve found myself just existing, going through the motions and making it from day to day.  This is not something I like about myself, and have vowed to reclaim.

I know when I’m writing, it is therapeutic.  Perhaps not for anyone other than myself, but what with the price of a counseling session being in the hundreds of dollars, I find this does me almost as much good, and it only costs me the time spent behind a screen, pecking away at these tiny little keys.

I’ve been thinking about where I am as a man lately, and truthfully I haven’t really liked what I’ve seen in the mirror.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not living a hedonistic lifestyle of debauchery and sin.  Nero is not living in my house, although from time to time I have felt a little like taking up the fiddle while everything I hold dear seems to be burning around me.  Okay, so maybe I paint a much bleaker picture than what is actually going on, but hey I'm a writer, I'm supposed to use metaphor and I felt Nero and Rome burning was a good one.

When John the Baptist said the words in the Scripture I used, I wonder if he truly realized where the course of his life was heading.  He was the cousin of Jesus, but I feel his true claim to fame lay in his ability to say what needed to be said in the moment.  If you do a study about him, you will find he was very vocal about the cultural events happening in his day, and he wasn’t always very tactful about it.  I can imagine if he were living in today's society how the political pundits would cringe every time he spoke.

 It always seemed he would be calling out the religious people and talking about how the king of the Jews was living in sin, (he had married his sister in law).  People flocked to see this supposed crazy man from the desert who wore camels hair outfits and had a steady diet of locust dipped in honey.  Yet the whole time he was calling people out and baptizing them, he was actually looking for someone.  He was waiting for the Messiah to appear, only he didn’t know who it was going to be.

John's disciples were very numerous by the time Jesus showed up on the scene, and when he realized it was Jesus who God had chosen to use as the way for mankind’s salvation, John tells those following that he must decrease, so that Jesus and His ministry can increase.  How do you think John's disciples felt about that?  If they were like us, (and we know they were) they were probably pretty excited about being on the ground floor of a new and upcoming ministry.  They may have even had delusions of granduer about where following John was going to take them.  I'm pretty sure they didn't understand why John was saying this.

I wonder how often I allow myself to decrease so that people can see Jesus in me, instead of me trying to be the focal point.  If I was going to be honest, (which is the best way to be in a counseling session right?), I’d have to say more often than not I’m trying to get people to see me instead of pointing them to Jesus.  Sometimes it may not be a conscious decision on my part, probably more often than not however it is a decision which I've made. 

So what is the cause of this?  What makes me want to stay in the limelight and keep Jesus off to the side?  It’s probably more of a lack of diligence on my part, or like I said earlier, just existing, kind of going with the flow instead of swimming towards an actual destination.  Now there’s a thought out of nowhere!  (I love it when those happen don't you?)  Perhaps I’ve not spent enough time with Jesus to find out where the course of my life is heading, or here's a thought; supposed to be heading.  Making ends meet, doing the due diligence as a husband, father and friend.  In other words, just going through the motions.

Okay, so this is huge.  Maybe it has nothing to do with increasing the ministry of Jesus and decreasing David, maybe it's just that right at this moment in time I am not very motivated to go in the direction God would have me go, because I’ve just allowed myself to live without purpose.  Purpose, now I’ve got to go check out purpose and what that means to me as a man.  What is my purpose?  Do I get up every day and worked towards fulfilling my purpose?  Having a purpose would give a person a reason to meet the day head on, and I can see how if I’m following God’s purpose for my life it would actually be easy to decrease which in turn would cause Jesus to increase.  After all, wasn’t John fulfilling his purpose when he said this? 

I need to follow this thought further, but seeing as our time is up now, we’ll have to pick up here again at our next appointment.  For now, know that God loves you and has a plan for your life, and it's a great one.  Think about this Scripture until we talk again;
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
  Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!